
Vision Powered Coaching

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unzippered heart

Are you interested in opening up your mind and heart? Do you think you would find it useful to learn more about yourself by examining some of your inner feelings? Writing is an excellent way to help you do that.

I sometimes use writing as a coaching tool with my clients. You might say, “I’m not a writer”, but even if you haven’t thought of yourself as very good at expressing yourself through writing, you can be helped to learn how to let the words flow in a way that is fun and enlightening too.

Writing is especially helpful for those who have experienced various types of grief and loss, or certain kinds of trauma.  It can also be a facilitator for those who have big decisions to make, are at a crossroad of some sort, or who want to examine their options and more clearly think things through.

Many people are paralyzed by grief and/or stuck in a cycle of fear, anger and rehashing the past. For some, pouring this all out on paper ( a brain dump) helps bring it all to the surface so they can take a look at it. It’s very productive.

For others, this just ends up perpetuating the negative or obsessive thoughts and poor-me’s.  It can overwhelm the individual, so  the limiting beliefs and patterns that are not serving the person are just maintained.

I don’t use writing with all of my clients. They need to be  interested and willing to try it. The thing is, sometimes when the floodgates are open and things come pouring out, we may need skilled insight, direction and accountability to begin to change our way of thinking and then, our lives. That’s what your coach is for.

The first step in the journey towards change is definitely awareness, but then at times we need real help to take a more in-depth look at what we have come up with.  We need help to take that awareness and shape it into some concrete goals and actions that will allow lasting changes to take place. We need to get beyond the briefly exciting aha moments that are often not followed by actions or changes in attitude or behavior.

We all get those periodic flashes of insight and those aha moments. Too frequently, after the first few moments, days or months, the excitement of our discoveries begins to dull and we too easily fall back into our old habits and patterns.

A coach who uses the tool of writing can help you design writing exercises and other techniques and actions that are relevant and useful to you in your life and that address the things you, the client wants and needs to address. The plan is always personalized and co-created by you and your coach together.  The coach does not insert his or her own agenda into your world, or decide what is right or wrong for you.  Together you design what will get you out of your self-described ruts and will begin to move you closer to how and where you wish to be in your life.

As someone who has been a writer since my toddler years,  (So a mighty long time) and who has conducted writing workshops in the past for the elderly and those in grief, writing is just one of the many tools in my professional tool box.  It can be used to prime the pump, if things have been gummed up for a while and need to flow more freely.  It’s a powerful and often a fun vehicle that can be utilized by client and coach as a creative team.

Want to know more?

Contact me: ir**@vi*******************.com

Let’s chat about how a Life and Loss Transformation can help you, especially if you have been through a lot, want to reinvent or rebuild your life, or to figure out what to do in the next phase of life.