
Vision Powered Coaching


Today I want to ask you if you are hungry enough to change?  You might be inclined to respond quickly and emotionally. You might say you have tried to change and it didn’t work for you.  You might say you don’t want to change.  You might say you have been through too much loss and pain and it just isn’t going to happen.

I am sure you know I’m not talking about food here.  My experience is that when  you are hungry enough, or in enough pain,  you get creative and find ways to solve your problem, whatever it is.  When you are downright fed up with life as it is,  you will finally get busy and figure out what to do.

So are you hungry enough, and what is it you are hungry for?

Are you hungry enough to want to stop the pain that is gnawing at you and holding you back?  Are you hungry enough to feed yourself in a way that nourishes your spirit and your dreams, helping you grow closer to reaching whatever your goals are?

Do you go through your days listening to your life rumble, but you mostly ignore the noise and the feelings? Does this rumble turn into cramps because you are starving for something that seems elusive? Perhaps you don’t even know what this elusive something is!  Whatever it is, it’s time to stop trying to push it down, or hiding from it. You haven’t succeeded much in doing that anyway, have you?

How much do you want to wake up one day with a hundred lightbulbs going off in your head? How ready are you do something about those ideas and potential answers to your problems, so that instead of just watching the lightbulbs illuminate a path,  you get up and start following that path? How badly do you want to find and work at doing what not only transforms your pain into new possibilities, but that feels fresh and exciting and actually resuscitates your life?

You have now reached the part of this post where you are waiting for the answers. You are hoping for at least three or four simple tips on how to get your life unstuck. I’m afraid you are not going to find those answers here. They are already within you. You may not really believe that, but it’s true. If you make the decision to pull yourself out of the pit and not to go back in, no matter what, you can do it.  You may need some help though, and that’s ok. If you’re hungry enough, you don’t turn down food, even if it’s something you used to despise, or something unfamiliar that you never ate before and were always afraid to try.

When was the last time you asked for help from someone?  It’s time to tap into your support system.   If you don’t have one, it’s time to begin thinking about why you don’t and how you can build one. Maybe that is your very first important step!  We often make excuses about why we can’t rely on anyone in our lives, but we ignore how many ways we have been pushing people away.  If you’ve been living the same way for a very long time, you are not going to get unstuck overnight, but if you don’t start, you may as well pour crazy glue on your back, hunker down under the bedclothes and wither away.

It’s time to get up out of bed and to start walking around the holes in the road, instead of falling into them each and every time you take the same route.  In fact, it’s time to find a whole other route. Listen carefully to your internal GPS device , instead of the one sitting on the dashboard in someone else’s car.

Are you still holding others responsible for your present situation, or for your behavior? What do you wrestle with? What kind of pain grips you and tries to paralyze you?

If you have been hurt in the past, it’s understandable that you might try to protect yourself from further pain. Is that really possible though? The bitter and the sweet of life are often found together.

The road you choose may be bumpy, there may be a lot of ground fog, and you may get so frustrated at times that you start talking back to your GPS, or throwing your map out the window ( if you use that old navigational tool).   If you keep moving forward, though, you will be closer to solutions and closer to freedom than you have been in a long while.  If you let your fears take over,  you will stop moving again.  You will most probably then revert to what you have always done in the past, in spite of it having worked pretty poorly for you.  You will once again be bound up by the old pain and the old confusion.

It’s time to listen to your hunger and to decide if you are finally hungry enough to have what you want and to be determined and creative about your choices.


Talk to me about how making an investment in yourself through coaching can help you redesign your life.  Isn’t it time? I also offer group coaching programs, usually occurring once a month, or I can design a special package for you. Group coaching calls are the most economic option and offer you help and support simultaneously.

I help clients grow beyond loss, trauma & tough life stage changes, to find new joy & success. Loss doesn’t mean only loss through death.  I help people who are serious about tweaking or totally redesigning their lives, their goals, their relationships or family interactions.  If you are ready for change and ready to do the work, do be in touch soon.
