
Vision Powered Coaching


Dear Loyal Readers/Subscribers:

If you are looking for posts of poetry, please note that I am deleting most poetry from my blog, leaving only a few samples. You can find additional samples on one of my Facebook pages, https://www.facebook.com/authorpoetirisjarensonfuller .

You may also check out and purchase my book. There is a link on the Client Resource page on this website.

I hope you will continue to visit my web site and my blog, and to read and comment on (Please!)  new articles.  Having comments on blog posts and Facebook posts helps them get picked up by search engines more.  If you like my posts, or even if you disagree with something, please do take the time to comment.   I also hope you will pass on the address to others who might be interested in my work and my articles. Word of mouth is what attracted so many of my adoption clients years ago, and I rely on word of mouth in my coaching work a lot too.

Thanks for your patience and your help!

