
Vision Powered Coaching

Pensive woman

Losing A Spouse, Finding Your Why: Yes You Can!

The feelings, all the feelings you’ve have had since you lost your spouse, or someone else you dearly love, are absolutely legit.  There is still more work to do, to get you out of your shell,  than just filling up the time.  It’s time to begin to let your real self out of the place where you’ve kept it locked up, or hidden away for a time.

Something different and new may be needed to help ignite a spark in you that has been dormant.

Listening to Your Inner Survivor

Do you listen to and trust your inner survivor? Why is that important?

Have you ever felt you lived in a world in which you could predict and count on very little?  I think we all have felt that way at times. More and more people are feeling that way right now, sadly.

There’s Covid-19, global warming, constant natural disasters, terrorists, unemployment, and much suffering all over. It can sometimes seem too depressing to read or watch the news, let alone figure out how to get past our own personal baggage and problems.