As autumn approaches, I sometimes find myself conflicted. Is it because I realize I am actually in the autumn stage of life? When we lived in San Francisco, we missed this season so much. I still love it, but it is also associated with some losses. I work hard not to stay in that negative and sad space for long. Yet it does come over me at times. That is natural and we all experience it at one point or another when we have lost people or have had other melancholy experiences.
New England is such a lovely place to be during autumn. Peak color was late here this year. The leaves are just beginning to come down and are starting to blanket our yard very gently, in some spots only. There is still plenty of grass showing. Our tomato plants and even the peppers are still producing. (Help! My freezer is full). Pretty soon, no matter how often the deck is swept, it will be covered again in a matter of hours.
I enjoy sitting in front of the computer in my office, watching the spectacular colors through the window. Sometimes I have to watch through a screen of grey and rain. Tomorrow is supposed to be that sort of day, but today is beautiful. I make myself notice my surroundings, instead of getting caught up in work as I sometimes tend to do.
The cold weather and snow will be upon us quickly enough. If only the sun that’s shining today on our New England finery of trees ablaze with magnificence, were with us all the time. If it were, I am pretty sure we would not appreciate it as much.
We have several friends who are very ill right now. I have been preoccupied with worrying and with sadness for them. If I have learned anything over the years, it is that I must concentrate as much as I can on the colors in front of me and not on the rainy and the dim days. When I close my eyes, I feel the warmth of the sun on my face and I try to memorize how good it feels so I can keep that memory on those grey days that will surely come. When the sun fades, I need only to wait for it to return. It always does eventually. I am sending the warmth and energy of the sun right now to the minds and hearts of those who are living in grey places right now, for a variety of reasons.
Iris Arenson-Fuller, PCC is a Life and Grief Transformation/Life Reinvention Coach and a poet/writer.
Iris helps people find new purpose and passion and reinvent their lives no matter what they’ve been through. She will help you figure out how to transform past pain or difficult life stories into learning you can leverage to be a happier, more successful person.
She is an expert in grief and loss issues and figuring out how to make lemonade out of those sour lemons.
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Contact Iris to set up an exploratory call to determine if coaching is right for you and if you and she are a good match. I invite you to have a conversation.
Iris’s poetry collection is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other select retailers. Come read the reviews by poetry lovers and by those who think they don’t “get” poetry, but are pleasantly surprised!