
Vision Powered Coaching

Listening to Your Inner Survivor

Do you listen to and trust your inner survivor? Why is that important?

Have you ever felt you lived in a world in which you could predict and count on very little?  I think we all have felt that way at times. More and more people are feeling that way right now, sadly.

There’s Covid-19, global warming, constant natural disasters, terrorists, unemployment, and much suffering all over. It can sometimes seem too depressing to read or watch the news, let alone figure out how to get past our own personal baggage and problems.

Crossword puzzles

Lockdown Loneliness

This post about “lockdown loneliness” is for you if you live alone,  regardless of the reason you do.  It was written for widows in a group I run, but certainly applies to anyone without a companion now who is self-isolating and feeling the effects in this era of Covid 19. Even those who have someone else in the household may find this useful.